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How to find your Windows 7, 8, 10 License Key


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Even if you have lost your Windows serial number or license key, you can still recover it from the computer or device you installed. You can do this with an application that can search for and display your Windows serial number. The problem is that there are many such programs on the internet and not all of them are good. That's why I decided to test a few and identify the ones that work best in all modern versions of Windows: Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. You never know when you'll need the license key you lost, so let's get started:

1. Find out the Windows product key with Belarc Advisor

Belarc Advisor  is a free program that you can download and install on your computer. Not only does it show you the Windows license key, it also gives you a detailed profile of installed hardware and software, it lists your networks, shows you updates you haven't installed, antivirus status, and runs benchmarks. security. After scanning your computer or device, it displays all the results on a local webpage. Look closely at the left side of the browser window and you'll see a link called  Software Licenses : click on it. Takes you to the section with the same name, where it displays all the software licenses it has identified, including your Windows installation license.

Belarc Advisor report, including Windows serial number
Belarc Advisor report, including Windows serial number


2. Find out what the Windows license is with the Magic Jelly Bean Keyfinder

Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder  has a weird name but it is a free program that works well. It has a very simple interface and displays your Windows license key in just a few seconds.

Report Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder
Report Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder


3. Find out the Windows activation key with ProduKey

ProduKey  is a small utility that you can use as a portable application or, if you prefer, you can install it. If you choose to use the portable version, you will receive a ZIP archive. Unzip it and run  ProduKey.exe . The program launches and displays your Windows activation key. The application is small, free, fast and easy to use, so we recommend it!

ProduKey shows you the serial number of your Windows system
ProduKey shows you the serial number of your Windows system


4. Find out the Windows product key with SterJo Key Finder

SterJo Key Finder  is another small program, which is available both as a portable application and as a program that you normally install. If you choose the portable version, you will receive a small ZIP archive that you need to unzip. Then run the KeyFinder.exe executable  .

SterJo Key Finder  starts and displays your Windows license. We also like this app because it's portable, free, and fast.

SterJo Key Finder displaying the Windows serial key
SterJo Key Finder displaying the Windows serial key


5. Find out the Windows activation key with ShowKeyPlus

ShowKeyPlus  is a very simple portable application. Download it as a ZIP archive, extract it and run  ShowKeyPlus.exe . The application immediately shows you the key to your Windows and does not display any advertisements. It is also worth noting that  ShowKeyPlus  can also find this information in a Windows backup.

ShowKeyPlus by identifying and displaying a Windows 10 product key
ShowKeyPlus by identifying and displaying a Windows 10 product key


6. Find out what the Windows license is with Free PC Audit

Free PC Audit  is a free portable tool that you download and run. It is designed to extract details about the hardware components of your computer as well as the installed software applications and their license keys. This information also includes the license key for your Windows installation. It's a small, ad-free utility, but it's slow to display the Windows serial number because it scans other things. If you do not want to know only the Windows license key, but also other details about your computer, this is a good application and we recommend that you use it.

Report provided by Free PC Audit
Report provided by Free PC Audit


7. Find out the Windows activation key with Winkeyfinder

Just as its name suggests,  Winkeyfinder  is an application that can find the key to your Windows operating system. It's a portable app, which means you don't have to install it.

Open it and you should immediately see the product key of your Windows PC. Winkeyfinder  is small, free and easy to use.

Winkeyfinder reads the Windows 10 license key
Winkeyfinder reads the Windows 10 license key


8. Find out the Windows product key with the Windows Product Key Viewer

You can download  Windows Product Key Viewer  as a portable ZIP file without having to install it. When you open it, it takes a second or two for it to identify your Windows license key. It then displays it along with other information about the tpu computer. We like it because it's free as well as easy to use.

Windows Product Key Finder displaying a Windows license key
Windows Product Key Finder displaying a Windows license key


What is the best Windows license key display application?

All the applications I have presented to you in this article display the correct license key for your Windows. However, some of them are faster and some are slower, and some of them may show other details about your Windows device. The comparison below can help you make a better decision about which application you want to use:

Comparison of the best Windows license key identification applications
Comparison of the best Windows license key identification applications


Some of these applications may also find the license keys for other programs installed on your computer, including  Microsoft Office . However, if you just want a quick way to find out just your Windows license key, any application works fine.

If you know of other ways to easily find out the license key for a Windows installation, feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

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